i'm Abhinav

Web/App Devoloper And Deep Learning Enthusiast

contact me


web development

Im interested in web development and system design. I am familiar with React , Node js , Express js, Firebase ,Gatsby , strapi ,flask etc.. You can contact me for collaboration in any projects

Deep Learning

I am budding deeplearing engineer , I am famiiar with tools such us pytorch, sklearn ,tensorflow etc and libraries such as pandas, numpy and matplotlib

app development

i am intersted in making cutting edge apps and with moder technologies . I can code in flutter and react native .if you have a good ideas or want to collaborate with me in any project contact me


software engineering intern


April 2020 -june 2020

worked the development of evap platform using react js

created machine learning moedels to predict flows in constructions live from drone camera

created a flask server for serving the model to the EVAP platform

created a tool to render a 3d model directly to the webpage

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featured projects


Ai voice assistant

It is a voice assistant powered by wit.ai. The users can use a voice interface to ask the assistant very basic things like time and date to information about anything, play songs, personalized jokes, browser automation, COVID related data etc

python EelExpress js

Socket chat

A realtime chat app built completely with web sockets. Users can create a room and chat with multiple members in the room

reactweb socketsjavascript

chat bot

a chat bot for a educational firm which can answer common customer questions with the algorithm we developed

javasciptnode jshtmlcssmongo db

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